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Sweet Goat Pepper Chili Sauce | Peppermaster

Sweet Goat Pepper Chili Sauce | Peppermaster

  • Heat level: 10
  • Hand packed
  • Glass bottle
Regular price $30.00 CAD
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Sweet Goat Pepper Chili Sauce | Peppermaster

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  • Heat level: 10


Fresh local hot peppers (Goatpepper, Aji Lemon, Red Savina Habanero), fair-trade organic raw cane sugar, fresh garlic, water, sea salt, organic tapioca starch, citric acid, EU non-GMO Xanthan gum.



Sweet Goat Pepper Chili Sauce | Peppermaster image 1
Sweet Goat Pepper Chili Sauce | Peppermaster image 2
Sweet Goat Pepper Chili Sauce | Peppermaster image 3
Sweet Goat Pepper Chili Sauce | Peppermaster image 4

Discover the perfect balance of heat and flavour with the Peppermaster Sweet Goatpepper Chili Sauce. A true Thai-style sweet chili BBQ sauce, it's our best-selling hot sweet sauce for a reason. Native to the Bahamas, the Goatpepper delivers a ‘juicy-fruit-like’ flavour with heat similar to a habanero, thanks to its unique growing conditions in low rainfall and poor soil. This sauce pairs the bright lemon-lime notes of the Goatpepper with rich fresh garlic and a salty-sweet profile, making it ideal for countless dishes.

Pour it on egg rolls, noodle dishes, glazed roasts, or stir-fried veggies for a spicy, tangy kick. Perfect as a wing sauce, shrimp cocktail dip, or even on pineapple pizza for a sweet heat that will surprise you. Whatever the dish, Sweet Goatpepper Chili Sauce adds bold heat and amazing flavour.

Ingredients: Fresh local hot peppers (Goatpepper, Aji Lemon, Red Savina Habanero), fair-trade organic raw cane sugar, fresh garlic, water, sea salt, organic tapioca starch, citric acid, EU non-GMO Xanthan gum.

Heat Level: 10




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